Fresh Strawberries

Poteet Country Winery is located 2 miles behind the 70+ acre Strawberry Festival Grounds and grows around 20,000 strawberry plants every year! Strawberry fields literally guide you in on your entrance of the winery! Jim Collums and his family have been competing with strawberries at the festival since it started at its current location. He has won many awards and is honored to have a street named after him on the Strawberry Festival grounds.
The fine sandy loam topsoil that covers Poteet farmlands is medium to slightly acidic which is excellent for the strawberries. For planting we use a raised bed wrapped in plastic method that gives the strawberries more protection from the critters and keeps watering light. Over the years many watering techniques have been implemented and today we use a drip watering system from both well and city sources. There are many varieties grown on the property including Camino Real, Ruby June, Seascape and Chandler. The south Texas sun usually provides a bountiful amount of rays for the plants to soak up to produce a high sugar content. However, after about 2 days of 100°F heat, most of the strawberry plants will die. In Poteet, planting begins in fall and just into winter where picking usually is from March to mid May. There is much more to say about the unique flavors and sweetness of Poteet strawberries, but none of it compares to trying one for yourself fresh from the field or just right off the plant!
Strawberry season is now over and we would like to thank all of those who purchased and supported the farm!
Fresh picked strawberries are taken to sell next to the wine booth at the Pearl Farmers Market when available!